Monday, November 22, 2010

Concussions and Creeps

Location: The Square outside TBD

I sat on the bench outside because it was a nice day again. I was doing a crossword to pass the time until my bus arrived when someone sat down on my right. I looked up, and saw a bald man with an old head wound, lots of dried blood, and somewhat glassy eyes. He claimed he knew me, but I had never met nor seen this man before in my life. Every time someone walked past our bench, or within ten feet of it, he asked them if they had a cigarette to spare. The first person who walked past refused, and as he continued past, the man loudly proclaimed, "Fucking faggot!"

A child was chasing one of the thousands of pigeons around TBD with a stick, pretending he was some kind of hunter. The man next to me, rocking back and forth, said "Mark my words, that boy over there, he's gonna be trouble."

Another man, presumably of Native American descent, sat on my left. At this point, I notice that none of the other benches are close to full, except for mine. I have my phone out, checking my voicemail, when the man on my left, looking askance at me, says very slowly, "Nice phone there. You pay for that yourself? Looks expensive..." I replied that it was actually a pay-as-you-go plan. "Ah," he said, "But those are hard to keep up with, aren't they?" At this point, my bus pulled up behind me, so I very quickly packed up my belongings, stood up, and left both of these lunatics without looking back.

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